Betekenis van:
price level

price level
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • statistisch gegeven ter aanduiding van het prijsverloop
  • an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time




price level
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • prijspeil, prijsniveau
  • an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time





  1. Compared with the level of a year ago, the price is sharply lower.
  2. Governments usually resort to price control when inflation has reached a certain level.
  3. Price level on the Community market
  4. Relationship between the domestic price level and the price level in the Community
  5. When comparing the prevailing price level on the domestic market in Russia with the prevailing price level in the Community, the price level in Russia is generally lower.
  6. Since the average price level of these imports is above the average price level of imports from the PRC, the cumulated price level is higher.
  7. Relationship between export price to third countries and the price level in the Community
  8. When comparing the prevailing price level on the domestic market in the Ukraine with the prevailing price level in the Community, and prices to third countries, the price level in the Ukraine and to third countries are, on average, lower.
  9. The average price levels of the imports of the countries concerned were all significantly below the Community industry price level.
  10. After an analysis of the price data, an appropriate level of adjustment was quantified and applied to the export price.
  11. Despite a price decrease during the RIP, prices remained significantly above the price level of the original IP.
  12. However, they did not reach the price level of 2001 and 2002 and remained on a low level.
  13. Relationship between Chinese export prices to third countries and the price level in the Community
  14. There is no reliable and verifiable information on the price level in China.
  15. Relationship between export prices to third countries and the export price level to the Community